About Promoter Motor

PromoterMotor supports nonprofit and for-impact organizations in achieving their marketing goals. We provide services directly to organizations, as well as provide back-end services to other marketing agencies. Additionally, as a social enterprise, we reinvest the majority of our profits to deepen sustainability and fulfill our mission to benefit the world by serving our impact-driven clients.

For-impacts include both nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations that aim to create positive social or environmental impact.

Why We Do This Work

Our mission is to serve the world by amplifying our clients' service to others.

For-impact organizations are at a disadvantage when it comes to investing in marketing because of outdated public expectations. As mentioned in the Ted Talk by Dan Pallotta, investing in marketing for the purpose of scaling up an organization is crucial for the nonprofit sector’s ability to do more to benefit the world. Here at PromoterMotor, we acknowledge the challenges that for-impacts must face and offer agency-style services to write content and run campaigns on their behalf. PromoterMotor is tasked with assisting organizations in obtaining membership in the Google Ad Grants program and providing corresponding social media marketing.

We understand the importance of for-impacts and want to work together for the common good. Reaching out to more people about a for-impact organization ensures more beneficiaries, volunteers, donors, members, and supporters of every kind for the organization, increasing the mission's impact. However, online marketing requires a surprising amount of expertise, time, and ongoing training. We, as specialists, provide efficient and effective work so that our clients do not have to manage this on their own. Our services alleviate the majority of the strain for-impacts face daily, leaving them to focus on the actual important work.

By working with many for-impact organizations, our software and services can scale up to serve thousands, maybe someday millions, of good causes worldwide. In this way, we can make a difference for more causes than we could any other way and transform shared beliefs and hopes into action and tangible results.

Countering Misinformation

Misinformation (accidentally wrong information) or disinformation (intentionally inaccurate information), plagues the internet nowadays and makes it difficult for the public to make informed decisions. With a society that relies on phones and computers to keep up with the world and their communities, there is a great need to bring clarity and honesty to the web. The purpose of most nonprofits is to educate the public, therefore in working for them, we have a business model that aligns with spreading genuine information.

For example, we write ads that help The Association for Fundraising Professionals and other for-impacts distribute accurate and counter-misinformation to the public. PromoterMotor is committed to addressing the problem of misinformation and is working toward developing software that will write ads that counter unreliable sources.

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